Favorite Multi-Tasking Beauty Products

Multi Tasking Beauty Products

Every girl has a beauty trick up her sleeve. Whether it’s using toothpaste to clear up a bad breakout or doubling avocado as a conditioner for our hair, we’re always game for getting the most out of our products, aren’t we?

That’s why I’ve compiled some of my all-time favorite multi-taskers, so you can get that ultimate bang for your buck, minimize your beauty routine and de-clutter your beauty counter!

best Multi Tasking Beauty Products
best Multi Tasking Beauty Products

Get Yourself an Aloe Plant!

If you don’t already have one ladies, you need to get one! I use my aloe plant for everything! Snip off a stem and leave to cool in your fridge for sunburns, mix with coconut oil and brown sugar for a gentle body scrub or honey and raw oats for a calming face mask.

Try a Nars Multiple!

Another winner in the cosmetic department for multiple beauty uses, this cream to powder is perfect on top of your BB cream, tinted moisturizer or foundation. Dab this stick on your cheeks and use your fingers to blend for the best application. From Copacabana and Gspot to Maui and Orgasm, these sticks are great for all skin tones and can be used cheek color, highlight, lip color, and eyeshadow!

Use Baby Wipes

Love. It!.. If you don’t own baby wipes, you need to! They are super affordable and perfect for multi-tasking! I use baby wipes for cleaning up my eyeshadow pots, removing makeup, wiping off my feet after the beach. They’re also great as a face refresher.

Cheek + Lips = Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge

I know when it comes to summer, most of us don’t really like to fuss with a lot of makeup. If a good mascara and some lip and cheek action are your thing, you have to pick up one of these! They’re easy and compact enough to carry anywhere, which means a little touch up is never an issue!

Best Face + Body Peter Thomas Roth Blemish Buffing Beads

I have been in love with this one for.ev.er! Peter Thomas Roth is a genius when it comes to acne and backne. This face and body scrub is gentle enough for your face and body and also for great for preventative care. (Perfect for after the gym or beach).

Ever tried baking soda?

I was so late on this one, y’all! Grab the baking soda out of your fridge, and sprinkle a little on top of your toothpaste for a teeth whitening sesh! Got a nasty breakout? Make your own spot treatment by making a paste from baking soda and water, and leaving on overnight. Boo-yah!

You gotta have a bronzer!

A good bronzer can cure so many beauty woes! Busy days mean less time to play around with makeup. Use your bronzer not only for the best summer glow, but also for contour as well as the perfect lip color (top with sheer or pink gloss!). Love the idea? Works perfect as an eyeshadow too!

Don’t you love easy routines for summer?! I hope this knocks down a few to-dos on your list and saves you a little “moolah”! What are some of your favorite multi-tasking beauty products? Do share!

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