5 Beauty DIYs You Should Try This Weekend

Every now and then we just need to recharge our batteries and indulge in some much-needed R&R! Invite your besties over this weekend or go solo and give yourself a little something that’ll keep you looking AND feeling radiant. Here are 5 easy beauty DIYs that anyone can master! (Significant others are invited also… as long as they’re good sports!)

Here’s what you’ll need :

  • A bundle of eucalyptus leaves
  • Oil (Coconut, olive, tea tree, almond or avocado)
  • Epsom salt
  • Coconut milk
  • Foot basin (or bathtub)
  • Avocado (pitted and mashed)

1. Eucalyptus Shower

Feeling a little congested? Even if you aren’t, you’ll appreciate this little gem. Head to your local florist or craft store, pick up a bundle of eucalyptus leaves and turn up the heat in your next shower! Eucalyptus leaves are a great natural way to clear up any discomfort and give you the most refreshing shower you’ve ever had!

How to : Tie the bundle around the top of your shower rod with any type of string, yarn or tweed. Run the water until your shower is nice and steamy and jump in. It’s the perfect remedy for Monday mornings and definitely a must-try for fall!

2. Orange Citrus Scrub

Wake up your tired skin with this wonderful face and body scrub! The combination of ingredients will help to brighten, exfoliate and replenish moisture.

What You’ll Need : Dried orange peel from 2 oranges ( learn how to dry the peels here!), 3 tbsp of coconut milk, 1 tbsp of oil and salt. (You can measure the salt depending on your personal exfoliation preference).

Mix all ingredients together and transfer to a mason jar. Use in the shower twice a week for the best results.

3. Split-End Treatment

What You’ll Need : 1/2 cup of coconut milk, 1 avocado, 3 tbsp of oil

Combine all ingredients together and gently massage mixture over hair, focusing on the ends. You can leave the mask on for 30 minutes to an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and follow up with a good conditioner. If you need a recommendation, I’m currently loving the ‘Healing Conditioner’ from Aquage!

4. Calming Foot Soak

A foot soak is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Our poor little hard-working feet; they need love too!

What You’ll Need : Hot water, espom salt, eucalyptus leaves

Fill your bathtub or basin with hot water until the water is right above your ankles. Add in the salt and eucalyptus leaves. The steam from the hot water will have a really nice and soothing minty aroma that’ll calm your senses and keep your relaxed. The epsom salt is perfect for relaxing your muscles. It contains magnesium which helps soothe joint pain, arthritis, chronic fatigue and has been known to give your body a nice little energy boost.

5. Moisturizing Face Mask

I don’t know about you, but my skin tends to go into temper-tantrum mode this time of year. Cooler weather can equal drier skin, so why not be prepared?

What You’ll Need : Avocado, oil and coconut milk

Mash up one ripe avocado with a fork (or food processor). Fold in 4 tbsp of coconut milk and 2 tbsp of oil. Massage mixtures all over your face and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and follow up with moisturizer.

Which one of these homemade remedies will you be giving a go?

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