15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

When it comes to the word “relationship”, it’s important to remember that the key part of the word is “relate”. In other words, you need to be with someone you can relate to and can also relate to you. And what that means is you need to be with someone who meets your needs.

Just to make sure that you’re getting what you deserve from your guy, we’ve enclosed a list of some of the things that we feel all women should be getting from their men. If you are getting them, that’s awesome! If you’re not…that’s something to talk to your boyfriend about. Sooner than later is our vote.

1. Love

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Love makes the world go ’round. Not only that, but love also is the foundation to make a relationship works. That’s why you need to be with someone who you don’t think loves you, but who makes a point every single day to make sure that you know that he does.

2. Respect

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

When someone respects you, it means that they hold you in high esteem and regard? Does your boyfriend do that? Hint: It’s not a hard question. The answer is either a firm “yes” or a hard “no”.

3. Honesty

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

What’s the point in being in a relationship with someone you can’t trust? It’s important to feel that the person you’re seeing is honest. That they tell the truth, that they have good intentions and that they treat you with fairness and integrity too.

4. Loyalty

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Here’s the thing about loyalty. When you’re in a relationship, it’s not just about them not seeing anyone other than you. It’s also about knowing that they’ve got your back; that if there’s anyone you can depend on…it’s them.

5. Kindness

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

There are a lot of women who’ve found themselves in some pretty brokenhearted situations and it’s been due to this one thing: a lack of kindness. How does your boyfriend talk to you? Does he take your feelings into account? Does he offer to do nice things for you without you having to ask? A kind man is a good man. An unkind man is one to avoid. Trust us on this one.

6. Understanding

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

A wise man once said that before we seek to be understood, we must first seek to understand. Meaning, when you’re having a bad day or you just got some bad news or you simply need someone who will let you put your head on their shoulder in silence, an understanding boyfriend is going to be available to do that. Is yours?

7. Affection

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Who doesn’t want to be hugged, cuddled and kissed? Affection is not about sex. Affection is about physically expressing one’s feelings in a sweet and sentimental kind of way.

8. Patience

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Patience is one of the most underestimated things when it comes to what makes a relationship work. Perhaps it’s because it requires what a lot of people don’t want to do: be willing to deal with annoyances, flaws and less-than-ideal situations. But here’s the deal: no one is perfect which means that if you want that in a relationship, it’s best to be single. And if your boyfriend wants that from you, it’s best that he be the same.

9. Support

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Through the good times and not-so-good ones, you need a cheerleader and someone who will encourage and console you. A good boyfriend is a great combination of both!

10. Reliability

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Need someone to pick you up after work? Need help working on a project? Need someone who will call and/or show up when they say they will? If your boyfriend is great at these kinds of things, congrats! You’re with someone who is truly reliable.

11. Generosity

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

For the record, a man who is generous does not mean he’s rich. It means that he wants to show you how he cares in every way possible. And sometimes that means by giving you things. Even if it’s simply one single rose or a greeting card.

12. Humor

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Life is too unpredictable to not be with someone who can look at things with a touch of humor. Besides, laughter really does tend to be the best medicine when things aren’t going as well as you’d like.

13. Acceptance

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

There’s no point in being in a relationship with someone who makes you question your worth and value. This includes how you look. Real love is about someone looking at you and feeling like you are totally amazing. Just. As. You. Are. (And yes, you doing the same thing for them in return!)

14. Focus

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

Focus might seem like an odd need but here us out. When someone is focused on you, it basically means that they are intentional about making you a top priority. And anyone who is doing that is all about making sure that your needs are met.

15. Consistency

15 Things All Women Need in a Relationship

After all of this, a relationship is only going to feel good if these things are happening on a consistent basis. If every day you’re basically waking up wondering who you’re dealing with, you’re not getting one of the main things that you need from a man: actions that are so constant that you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that your relationship is strong, solid and stable!

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