9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


Toned, six-pack abs is the ultimate dream for all of us. However, building abdominal strength and definition while also fitting cardio and other healthy habits into your daily schedule can be a difficult challenge. While many full-body exercises work your abs, it is important to perform exercises that are targeted specifically and strengthening and defining your six-pack. If you’re at a loss for quick and simple ab exercise routines to incorporate into your daily workout routine, keep reading to discover nine exercise routines that help you get six-pack abs. 

1. 450 Rep Abs on Fire Medicine Ball Workout

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


This fire-powered workout features reps of six individual exercises that add up to four hundred fifty reps. The entire exercise routine can be completed without any rest. It includes ab exercises such as oblique crunches and side plank lifts. All of the exercises require the use of a medicine ball to complete.

2. Flat Abs in 5 Workout

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


You literally have no excuse not to complete this workout, which specifically targets your abs, because it takes only five minutes. Everyone has five minutes to squeeze a workout into their daily schedule.

This workout includes five exercises with no rests and allots one minute per exercise. It involves mountain climbers, side plank crunches, superman planks, windshield wipers, and V-crunches.

3. Strong Core Circuit Workout

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


This circuit workout does wonders to strengthen and tone your core to help you develop your coveted six-pack abs. Also, it doesn’t require any weights or balls and can be completed anywhere, anytime.

The workout includes effective ab-targeting exercises like windshield wipers, scissors, and butt ups.

4. 8 Minute Bikini Abs Workout9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


Are you trying to get your tummy beach-ready? Try this ab workout that takes up only eight minutes of your time. It doesn’t require anything other than your body and includes ab-targeting exercises such as V-crunches, mountain climbers, and scissors.

5. 5 Minute Plank Workout9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


Anyone who has ever done a plank workout knows that they are killer. However, they’re also incredibly effective at toning and defining your midsection.

This five minute workout includes nothing but planks, which might seem like your worst nightmare, but it’ll help you get flat abs in no time. Plus, it includes different types of planks, including traditional planks, side planks, and elbow planks.

6. Kama Fitness Floored Me With Those Flat Abs Workout

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


This fun ab workout features a variety of nontraditional ab exercises that you aren’t already sick of. It includes ten to thirty reps each of exercises such as reverse crunches, dead bugs, and lying leg lifts that hone in on your abs to strengthen and define them.

7. Kayla Itsines Flat Abs in 20 Workout

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


With just twenty minutes of work, you can be well on your way to achieving flat, defined six-pack abs. This workout is tailored specifically to be completed within twenty minutes to provide you with ab-toning exercises without disrupting your busy schedule.

The workout includes two five-minute circuits that you are supposed to complete twice each. The circuits feature traditional and unique ab exercises such as bent leg sit ups, Russian twists, toe taps, and bent leg jackknives.

8. Pumps&Iron Medicine Ball Core Workout

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


This workout, which requires only your body and a medicine ball, takes only four minutes to complete. It includes eight exercises, each of which you need to repeat for thirty seconds.

The exercises within this workout are primarily nontraditional exercises that specifically target your abdominal muscles to tone them, strengthen them, and burn fat off of them. You won’t see any crunches here. These exercises, which include table top sit ups and sit ‘n tosses, are designed to strategically use your muscles and the medicine ball to maximize the efficiency of your workout.

9. Slim & Trim Your Waist Flat Stomach No Equipment Workout

9 Exercise Routines That Help You Get Six-Pack Abs


Like its title promises, this convenient ab workout requires no equipment. It includes nine exercises and calls for three sixty second sets of each for a grand total of twenty-seven minutes. The workout features exercises such as pulse ups, crunches, and planks.

Ready to get on your way to achieving six-pack abs in no time? Read this post to learn about nine exercise routines that help you get six-pack abs in order to teach yourself how to gain strength and definition in your midsection quickly and easily.


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