4 Ways Your Workout Affects Your Skin

Shaking off the post-January blues? We definitely feel you! Sometimes, a new workout routine can be just what you need to get yourself feeling active again after a sluggish period. If you’re thinking about working out for the first time in a while, you may have some questions. For example, you may wonder if you can switch up your diet to aid your workout plans or where you can find the best pre workout for women.

4 Ways Your Workout Affects Your Skin
by glamwithdarcey

One thing people often don’t consider – but should – is the effect of exercise on your skin. After all, it’s not just our bodies that can feel a little off in winter. During the colder, darker months, we usually spend more time indoors and don’t get as much sun or vitamin D. This can leave skin feeling washed out and dry or make skin more prone to breakouts. Getting up and moving is a great way to bring a little life to your skin after a long season on the couch. Here’s what you should know when it comes to looking after your skin when you exercise.

4 Things a Regular Workout Might Do to Your Skin

1.  You May Experience Post-Workout Glow…

When you go for a run or enjoy a full body workout, you may notice that your skin looks healthier and brighter for several hours afterward. This is because exercise increases blood flow, and this blood flow carries oxygen to the soft tissue beneath your upper skin layers. This can give us a healthy, radiant flush that lasts well beyond our workouts. You may even start to find that regular exercise generally leads to better skin quality, as the skin receives more nutrients when our circulation is improved.

It’s also common for skin to start to look more toned once you make exercise a regular part of your routine. This is down to the increase of muscle underneath the skin, which is a common result of a good workout. Fat loss from beneath the skin can also lead to a smoother appearance on parts of your body that may be prone to fat stores or cellulite. Excellent motivation to get up and go!

2.  But Your Eczema Could Get Worse

4 Ways Your Workout Affects Your Skin
by moeoshikiri

Despite these potential benefits for your skin workout routines can have their dermatological downsides too. Sweat accumulation during exercise can cause skin to dry out more over time and this can have a negative effect on conditions like eczema and rosacea. Exercise outside in cold weather or harsh sunlight could also make skin feel dry, as can frequent washing after exercise. Try and stick to a home workout routine so you can exercise indoors and don’t exercise to the point of extreme sweating if you suffer from either of these conditions.

3.  You Will Probably Clear Your Pores…

Blocked pores are a common reason for breakouts and can lead to the development of blackheads or pimples on the skin. Sweating allows pores to open and can get rid of dirt or grime build-ups that accumulate when your face is exposed to pollution or if you have naturally oily skin. Alongside proper cleansing practices, regularly working up a sweat during your exercise routine can lead to skin that is less oily and that has fewer blocked pores long-term. This can help reduce your susceptibility to outbreaks and to spots and blemishes.

4.  But You Could Experience Breakouts

4 Ways Your Workout Affects Your Skin
by makeupbymiko7

However, when it comes to exercise and skincare, it’s very important to practice good habits, otherwise, your workout could make blocked pores worse rather than better. One important thing to remember is to always wash your face after an intense workout. This will get rid of dried sweat and clear away any dirt that has come out of the pores to prevent re-clogging.

If you love an intense bodyweight workout, you’ll likely build up sweat on other parts of your body too, like under your arms or beneath your sports bra. This can lead to breakouts beneath your bra line or on your chest. It’s important to shower as soon as possible after exercise to deal with these problem areas of skin. However, if you can’t shower every time, keep some facial cleansing wipes with you and clean yourself with these after the gym.

Another thing that is important to consider is your pre-workout skin care. If you struggle with acne or breakouts, wearing heavy make-up to exercise can make things worse. It’s always a good idea to remove make-up pre workout to ensure that your pores can clear themselves naturally.


Exercise leads to better health all-around and this, of course, impacts the quality of your skin. When you make time to work out, you’ll likely feel less stressed and will experience the skin benefits of great circulation and a fresher face. Maintain good skin hygiene on top of this and your skincare will be sorted for life!

Final Call: How do you keep your skin looking fresh between workouts? Do you have any skincare secrets that work for you? Has exercise improved your skin or made breakouts worse? Let us know in the comments!


Author’s bio:

Hey everyone, it’s Coach Alisa Weaver :)

Teaching and coaching is my passion and career choice. I find great satisfaction to see others achieve their goals, whether it is recovery from injury or surgery, strengthening the body for competition, or just becoming fit. 

I think that anyone can improve their fitness level no matter what their physical condition may be. By pushing yourself, discipline, not giving up together we can make your goals happen.

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